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April 5th, 2024 | 0 Comments

Lymphatic Messages

How are the Lymphatic Massages Performed? Lymphatic massages are integral to the post-operative healing process following liposuction and many other plastic surgery procedures. Therapists performing post-operative lymphatic drainage should have specific training to understand and serve the delicate hand movements required to mobilize fluid and swelling and soften fibrosis or scar tissue. Lymphatic massages areContinue reading “Lymphatic Messages”


How is the Abdominoplasty Performed? Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, aims to remove excess skin and tighten the remaining part by stretching. In other words, with tummy tuck surgery, the abdominal area regains an aesthetic appearance. The ideal result after this operation is a tight, muscular, smooth abdomen. ​ An incision is madeContinue reading “Abdominoplasty”